
Details of the SECURE Act - Part Eleven: Consolidated Form 5500 Filing for Related Plans

Section 202 of the Act revised Form 5500 rules to allow related employers to file a consolidated Form 5500. Learn More >

Details of the SECURE Act Part Ten: Multiple Employer Plans (MEP) and Pooled Employer Plans (PEP)

Section 101 of the Act enhanced capabilities of Multiple Employer Plans (MEP) and created Pooled Employer Plans (PEP). Learn More >

Details of the SECURE Act - Part Nine: Plan Loans via Credit Cards

Section 108 of the Act amends the tax laws to prohibit the use of debit/credit cards to take a participation loan. Learn More >

Details of the SECURE Act - Part Eight: QACA Increase Auto Enrollment Cap

Section 102 of the Act amends the tax laws to increase the auto enrollment cap to 15%. Learn More >

Details of the SECURE Act - Part Seven: Due Date for Adopting a New Plan

A plan will be considered adopted for a particular year as long as it is adopted before the due date of the business tax return (including extensions). Learn More >

Details of the SECURE Act - Part Six: IRA Enhancements

Sections 106 of the Act amend the tax laws to Treat Certain Taxable Non-Tuition Fellowship and Stipend Payments as Compensation for IRA Purposes. Learn More >

Cybersecurity: Is Your Data Protected?

EVERYONE in a company is responsible for Cybersecurity - our society is dependent on electronic communication and data transfer. There are simple changes a company can make to protect their data. Learn More >

Why Are Administrative Policies Important?

Retirement plan laws can be intimidating but a well thought out administrative policy can relieve some of the anxiety in making decisions that are in compliance with ERISA rules and regulations. Learn More >

DOL Guidance on ESG and Other Investments

The DOL released final guidance on October 30, 2020, concerning socially responsible, environmental, corporate governance (ESG) investing, impact investing, and economically targeted investing. Learn More >

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