
Helpful Statistics

The following organizations provide useful statistical information. Learn More >

Disability and Workers Comp Considerations in Plans

Unfortunately, there may be a time when you will have to deal with a situation in which an employee becomes disabled. Learn More >

Price Protection in ESOPs

A unique problem arises when the owners of a company are ready to sell more shares to the ESOP, and they want the ESOP to borrow money in order to purchase the shares. Learn More >

Relief for Participant Fee Disclosure Notice Timing

You may recall that in 2012, plan sponsors were required by the Department of Labor (DOL) to provide to plan participants a notice that disclosed detailed investment information for the plan. Learn More >

Impact of Defense of Marriage Act Ruling on Retirement Programs

The U.S. Supreme Court recently declared that Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act, which was signed into law by President Clinton in 1996, is unconstitutional because it denies equal... Learn More >

Employee Stock Ownership Plans with Closely Held Stock Receive Relief from FASB

A new Accounting Standards Update reaffirms the indefinite deferral of disclosures that were scheduled to take effect on Form 5500 filings for 2012. Learn More >

Prioritizing Internal Controls

Processes and procedures set in place by an organization that allow it to conduct its business in an efficient manner, safeguard its assets, prevent fraud, and ensure the accuracy of financial data. Learn More >

ESOP Feasibility Studies

When we perform an ESOP feasibility study for a client that already has the successor management in place, and has available a certain amount of cash flow to apply toward buying out... Learn More >

Five or More Types of Prevailing Wage by Advantage Resource Inc.

Are "Prevailing Wage" and "Davis Bacon" synonymous? A common misconception is "yes". Learn More >

Using the Forfeiture Account

When participants who are not fully-vested in their company contribution accounts terminate employment, their non-vested monies are usually moved into a forfeiture account. Learn More >

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