
Why Some Retirement Plans Do Not Offer Loans to Participants

After weighing all the advantages and disadvantages, and further discussing it with their advisors, many employers decide not to allow loans for several reasons. Learn More >

Fiduciary Insurance and Fidelity Bond Coverage

Understanding fiduciary liability insurance vs. fidelity bond coverage. Learn More >

Why Sponsor a Retirement Plan?

Company retirement plans offer many benefits to employers and employees. Learn More >

Are You Ready for a Cash Balance Plan?

A Cash Balance Plan can be a great way for a business owner to catch up on delayed savings by making larger contributions than what is allowed in a traditional profit sharing plan. Learn More >

Selecting and Monitoring Target Date Funds

Plan fiduciaries need to prudently select the Target Date Fund offered in the Plan. The DOL has created a tip sheet about Target Date Funds. Learn More >

2019 Employee Benefit Indexed Limitations

View the employee benefit indexed limitations for the 2019 plan year, released by the IRS. Learn More >

Why Hire an Unbundled Service Provider?

An “unbundled” service arrangement for plan administration provides many advantages to an employer. Learn More >

Private Letter Ruling Addresses Treatment of Student Loan Repayment Benefit

IRS Ruling Addresses whether an employer contribution that is given to employees who make student loan repayments must be treated as a matching contribution. Learn More >

Kentucky Pension Exclusion 2018

State tax reform package makes changes to retirement income exclusion in Kentucky Learn More >

Employee Stock Ownership Plans: Impacts from Recent Tax Reform

ESOPs will be indirectly impacted by the new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Learn More >

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